Summer bulk beef Sale July 19th-28th - Pre-order 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, or whole beef

Winter Pig Life

written by

Joe Wanda

posted on

February 21, 2021

Lets tackle another common question today. How do you care for the pigs in the winter?

As I have shared before, I always feel the best way to answer those questions is for you to just see the animals for yourselves rather than a huge written post of all the details although I am going to share some differences about our pork below. Again, since you know your farmer, you get the actual behind the scenes look, that you won't ever find on products in the grocery store.

Now that you saw the pigs, I do want to point out the real difference between our pigs life and say the pork you find in the grocery store raised on factory farm that I didn't highlight in the video. Here are the differences:

  • Factory farm pigs, NEVER get to experience the outside. Their entire life from when they are born to when they are mature size is inside a temperature controlled building on concrete floors. That means no sunshine, never experience seasonal weather and fresh air VS. Our pigs always have access to outside, to soak up the sun, get fresh air and have fun playing in seasonal weather (snow, mud, grass)!
  • Factory farm pigs never get grass or hay, grubs, and bugs in their diet. They never get to use their nature instinct of rooting with their nose since they are always on concrete VS. Our pigs get access to fresh hay in the winter to eat and can dig in the snow! Then when things thaw out they are able to dig in the ground for grubs and bugs in the dirt.
  • Factory farm pigs have a diet of only GMO grains. VS. Our pigs have non-gmo grains as just a portion of their diet
  • Factory farm pigs don't get any bedding ever but have to sleep on just the hard concrete. VS. Our pigs get a nice deep bedded area with lots straw that they can play in, burry themselves and stay comfortable.
  • Factory farm pigs are bred for quick growth VS. Our pigs are a heritage breed that grow slow and create a quality meat, that you are sure to taste the difference.
  • Factory farm pigs are fed growth hormones to promotes quicker growth and fed antibiotics to prevent sickness, since their immune system is weaken from the environment. VS. Our pigs are never fed hormones, antibiotics, or some weird un-natural product since our pigs thrive in their environment.

Ok I think I probably exhausted you with the differences, but there are actually still some more! Haha, but I will save them for another time. We are planning on doing a little tour with our farm partner that does the breeding and farrowing (the process of pigs birthing) of the piglets in the spring when they start to be born. We will explain some of the differences compared to a commercial factory farm.

I am very passionate about this topic and it gets me upset at times how much we are being misled at the grocery stores, where they make the packaging appear like their products were raised ethically on this happy family farm. Please remember the meat industry is monopolized just by a few major meat processors and they have control of these factory farms. They set the pricing and contracts with their farms and tell them how to raise their animals. These farmers not know any better, do what the "industry experts" tell them to do. It is always about producing more product as fast a possible with no goal of quality or listening to the consumer feedback. Well this is another topic for another time, but it is really disappointing the way the farm industry has gone over the last 50 years.

Thanks for watching and reading about our piggies and their life on the farm. We really want them to be happy as possible, that is the end goal. Don't forget, know your farmer, know your food!

Please leave questions or comments below. We love to hear your feedback!

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Baby pig farm visit

Howdy there friend, Most weeks this time of year, we are super busy all week, so many of our family Sundays turn into a farm task activity and I try to include the whole family when I can. :)Last Sunday as a family, we enjoyed visiting our hog breeder's farm to pickup a group of weaned pigs for our summer pasture. When we were there, we had the chance to take a short video of all the baby pigs running around his farm and interviewed farmer Brennan to share just how unique his methods are to raising hogs compared to the conventional pork you will find in the grocery store. I hope you enjoy watching the happy little pigs out on pasture. It's truly a fun sight and brings me a sense of satisfaction knowing we support pigs to live a wonderful natural life on pasture vs the conventional factory farm model that the houses 74 million pigs annually in overcrowded concrete barns (Which is 93% of the U.S. pig population).  I hope you'll watch the video as we cover 3 key takeaways that make our pasture hog operation unique.  1. Farrowing on pasture, no crates! (farrowing means birthing) When a Momma pigs (Sow or gilt) are ready to have babies, they are moved into a confinement crates where they can only lay down and get up to eat/drink and that's all. They can't turn around or walk in these crates. This is the industrial pork's standards for the sows to prevent them from accidentally laying on their young. However, we feel that only when they are overcrowded this is a potential problem. Thankfully our momma pigs as you see in the video are free to be independent outside to move and lay down where they choose with plenty of room.  The 1st week or 2, Brennon gives the momma her own hut and area, so there's no other pig competition. Then she can relax and have a baby moon! ;) With this, the baby pigs are free to run around outside to get exercise, play in the dirt, grass, and be a pig as well!  Once our hogs leave our hog breeders farm after weaned from their momma's milk, they continue to enjoy the outside pasture here at Wanda Farm. Unfortunately, pigs in a confinement barn on concrete never get the opportunity to dig with their nose and sometimes never see daylight in their entire lives. Our pigs are truly raised humanely as God intended them to be raised! 2. No tail docking (cutting off the pig tails) We explain in the video how in the industrial hog operations the pigs are confined in the barn all their lives and therefore, they get bored without having dirt to dig, mud holes to play in, and food to hunt for. A bad habit the pigs develop is chewing on their pen mates tails. This usually creates problems of cannibalism in the hog industry. So therefore, the industry has made it a common practice to intentional cut off the pig's tails when young. Thankfully, again because our pigs are outside in a natural environment, they don't get bored and we don't have this problem!  3. Old heritage genetics that keep meat quality like a 100 years ago Today the pork industry has been breeding the pork out of pigs. They want it to be a lean, white meat. The genetics have changed so much since the industrial hog operation started that pork isn't what it used to be. So many don't like pork for this reason. Thankfully our breeder is focused on good quality heritage genetics that perform well on pasture, not a confinement barn.  On that note, 93% of hogs today are confined to barns and fed a diet of solely GMO grains. Can you imagine eating only GMO grains that have been sprayed with chemicals and being healthy? Thankfully these old school genetic hogs are made to hunt for their food in the pastures. They eating a diverse diet of acorns, walnuts, roots, grubs, grass, legumes, forbs, and whatever else is edible in our pastures. Of course in addition to support their growth and health, we offer grains, but never feed GMO feed to ensure they never have nasty chemicals apart of their diet. Obviously this unique, natural diet keeps the hogs very healthy and improves the meat quality as well.  Our pork is probably the best pork you will ever taste! I mean it. It is a unique flavor and not the other white meat. You certainly will never find comparable pork in the grocery store as pastured pork is very unique and certainly can't be produced in a mass scale as factory farms do.  All I can say from experience, is that our pigs are probably some of the happiest pigs and best tasting pigs in northern Illinois! I hope you enjoy the video and learn something new.  God bless,  Farmer Joe P.S. Are you ready to try some Wanda Farm's pork?  While it might cost more than the grocery store pork, I think you can feel better knowing that you supported a pig with a more ethical, natural lifestyle on pasture and can enjoy/taste the difference in quality of flavor, nutrient density, and clean ingredients without chemicals, GMOs, growth hormones, and other pharmaceutical drugs.  Try Wanda Farm Pork Here

He Arose

Happy Easter Friend! Today, we are taking it easy on the farm. I just finished morning chores and now have a short moment to write you this email before we bustle off to church. Thankfully we worked pretty hard yesterday to get all the chores done so today we can take some extra family time to celebrate this Easter Sunday.Of course there will be the Easter egg hunt this afternoon as we do everyday ;)However, we look forward to celebrating the magnificent miracle that happened 2,000 years ago. Our Lord, Jesus Christ arose from the death of his crucifixion with our family today. As many of you know we are a faith based family farm. This means we hold very closely our faith in everything we do. That said, I wouldn't be acting out of faith, if I didn't share His story as it reflects who we are and stand for. If you are willing, please watch this really cool poem that I found encouraging!It sent chills up my back! It's such a beautiful poem sharing what Christ accomplished with his death, burial, and then resurrection.  We are so thankful for his love and grace to save us. Choosing him as our savior vs our good deeds can uplift anyone from the bondage we face.  I hope you enjoyed the poem as well.  God bless you on this Easter Sunday.  The Wanda Family