The Dole, 401 Country Club Rd, Crystal Lake, IL 60014
The following Sundays from 10-2:
November 10, 17, 24
December 8, 15, 23
January 12, 26
February 9, 23
March 9, 23
April 13, 27
Oak Creek Community Center, 8580 South Howell Ave., Oak Creek, WI
The following Saturdays from 9-1:
November 2, 16
December 7, 21
January 4, 18
February 1, 15
March 8, 22
April 5, 19
Grainology 131 Flinn Street ,Suite C, Batavia, IL 60510
The following Saturdays from 9-12:
December 14, 28
January 11,25
February 8, 22
March 1, 15, 29
April 12
Corner of Main and Liberty, N Main St, Wheaton, IL 60187
November 9, 23 from 9-1
Broadway Armory Park District, 5917 N. Broadway Chicago, IL 60660
The following Saturdays from 10-2:
January 18
February 15
March 22
Grassfed Beef
Pastured Poultry
Pastured Pork
Pastured Eggs
Farmer Market Bundles
Tallow Products
Insulated Bags
Cash & Card Accepted
The selection at markets is limited. If you are looking for specific items, please shop online for home delivery.
Our ruminant animals (grass-fed beef) are rotated to new fresh pasture daily during the midwest grazing seasons. We use a regenerative practice called rotational grazing that allows the land to rest and revitalize to ensure the grasses are vibrant, healthy, and full of nutrients for our cattle to graze when they return to that pasture again in season.
In the winter, we practice stockpiling pasture - where we save pasture during the summer for winter grazing. We also make hay from our pastures during the summer to supplement during the winter to make sure our cattle get the necessary nutrients to maintain good health during the cold midwest winters. We NEVER feed grains or grain by products in their diet. Our cattle are 100% grass-fed and finished. The only supplement we offer our cattle are free choice minerals, salt, and garlic which a common organic practice to help maintain their immune system and health.
Our grass-fed and finished beef is more nutritious, richer in flavor, and has a healthier fat profile that grain-fed beef.
Most commercial processors age their beef for maybe a few days before cutting the carcass for efficiency. One great benefit of our beef is we age it for 12-14 days. The extra time helps to tenderize the beef and makes it taste better!
Celiac disease is an immune disease in which people can't eat gluten because it will damage their small intestine. If you have celiac disease and eat foods with gluten, your immune system responds by damaging the small intestine. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, rye, and barley. All of our meats will contain NO gluten.
All our animals are slaughtered at a local family owned butcher facility that is USDA inspected. They take the slaughtering process serious and follow all the proper procedures to ensure the animal is handled calmly and humanely killed with a painless death.
Our USDA butcher has a government official there watching the whole process to ensure the worker follows the humane guidelines. Temple Grandin is responsible for helping to develop a lot of the humane guidelines making sure the livestock are comfortable through the whole process and get a quick painless death. Please research temple Grandin and her work as she is an incredible farmer that improved the slaughter process to be very humane.
As a Christian family farm, we ensure that all our livestock have a great life and show them the utmost respect throughout as God's creatures. We believe this should continue all the way from birth to death. We have a zero tolerance for animal abuse here at our farm.
Animals are never fed animal-by products:
Our pigs and chickens are never supplemented with animal by products. They only eat a natural diet of GMO-free grains and our regenerative pastures.
Our cattle are only fed grasses as they receive all the nutrition they need in our regenerative pastures. Therefore there's no funny business of cows eating cows as that's how mad cow disease started.
Our animals are never fed antibiotics or like kind products that are routinely fed in livestock operations today on a daily basis. Unlike industrial agriculture that liberally administers antibiotics to the animals at 1st sign of a cough or illness. We always look to homeopathic organic treatments as our first option. We will only resort to a therapeutic antibiotic for treatment if the animal is in a life threatening situation and our veterinarian recommends doing so. Thankfully our animals live in such a healthy, natural environment on pasture they rarely get sick. Therefore they are almost never used on our farm.
Our animals are never fed or injected with steroids or hormones.
We take the slow, natural, growth with all our livestock.
Unfortunately, the industrial agriculture model has adopted growth promotants like "Paylean" in the pork industry or "Implants" in the beef industry that all help push fast growth in the livestock to improve profits.
We take a firm stance against such products and never administer or feed any sort of of steroids or hormones to increase growth rates.
As the mRNA vaccine technology hits the animal production industry. We are standing our ground against using this technology. We assure our animals will never be vaccinated with mRNA technology.
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer commonly added to food. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified MSG as a food ingredient that's "generally recognized as safe," but its use remains controversial. We choose to not use it because we want to keep our meats all natural.
Some processors preserve meats using nitrate/nitrite to extend shelf life. We choose to keep it all natural and not to use nitrate/nitrites.
The animal is supplemented with a grain diet that consist of non genetically modified organisms.
The animals are always are on pasture during grazing season. Due to Midwest winter weather, animals are moved to shelter areas with feed and ability to roam freely. We feel it is ethical to move the animals shelter to stay warm and dry during cold and snowy seasons.